pylori: 20 years later
By: Kushen Ramessur
University of Westminster
W1 W6UW.
Email: kush@servihoo.com
Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) are a `slow' bacterial pathogen and
the name comes from Latin meaning `spiral rod of the lower part of the stomach'
(Goldwin et al., 1989). It was first isolated in 1983 in Australia by
Warren and Marshall and was found to be present in patients suffering from type
B gastritis (Allen, 2000). In 1989, the human pathogen formerly known as
Campylobacter pylori was transferred to a new genus, Helicobacter
pylori (Goldwin et al., 1989). Since its discovery the diagnosis and
treatment of upper gastro duodenal disease has dramatically changed. The peptic
ulcers are now considered as infectious disease and the role of H.pylori
in gastric cancers and other diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract is
being recognised or is being actively evaluated (Suerbaum & Michetti, 2002).
is a small microaerophilic, non-sporing, gram-negative bacteria. It is like
curved rods, 3.5 ¼m long and 0.5- 1 ¼m wide, with multiple unipolar-sheathed
flagella. It has a spiral shape in young cultures and can assume a coccoid form
in older cultures (Baron, 1991). The H.pylori genome has 1.65 million
base pairs (bp) and codes for about 1500 proteins (Tomb et al., 1997). In
1992, Taylor et al. showed that there is a genetic diversity among
H.pylori strains. It has also been demonstrated that the severity of the
disease is associated with a subset of the strain. The more severe pathology is
caused by H.pylori strains, type I, which contains a 40 kilobase pairs of
alien DNA called Cag pathogenicity island (PAI) (Suerbaum & Michetti,
2002). The Cag PAI includes a gene Cag A that encodes for an
approximately 120 KDa immunodominant surface antigen. These strains produce a
potent toxin, vacuolating cytotoxin A (Vac A) which is believed to cause
tissue erosion and induce the production of a pro-inflammatory cytokine,
Interleukin 8 (IL-8). The latter is responsible for the observed inflammation in
the gastric mucosa (Segal et al., 1997). H.pylori, type II, lack
the expression of the cag pathogenicity island and they do not produce
the functional Vac A toxin. They cause mild gastritis in the model mouse
model (Marhetti et al., 1995). The genome of H.pylori changes
continuously during chronic colonisation by importing small pieces of DNA from
other H.pylori strains (Falush et al., 2002).
Epidemiology and transmission:
Infection of H.pylori is worldwide but its
prevalence in a particular region depends on the socio-economic conditions
prevailing there (Malaty & Graham, 1994). In the developing countries
H.pylori colonizes 70-90 % of the population before the age of 10 as
compared to about 50 % in the developed world. But only 10-20 % of the infected
individuals will develop H.pylori (Telford et al., 1997). It is
most probably transmitted by the faecal-oral route but may be transmitted in
vomits and saliva (Parsonnet et al., 1999). The severe pathology appears
only years later (Murray et al., 2002). There is currently no evidence of
zoonotic transmission even if H.pylori is found in non-human primates and
occasionally other animals. Development of the symptoms as a result of an
infection with H.pylori occurs after a long period of infection. During
this time the host immune system mounts a vigorous immunological response.
However, the response may also contribute to the severity of the disease. The
most common pathology associated with H.pylori infection is chronic
active gastritis and peptic ulceration. However, long-term chronic infection can
give rise to gastric adenocarcinoma and gastric mucosa- associated lymphoma type
(MALT) B-cell lymphoma ( Murray et al., 2002).
Pathogenesis and Immunity:
The mechanism by which H.pylori causes gastric
damage and inflammation is summarised
After being ingested by
the host, H.pylori produce an abundant amount of urease in the gastric
lumen and the latter activity is regulated by a unique PH-gated urea channel
Ure I (Week et al., 2000). The urease hydrolyses urea into carbon
dioxide and ammonia. This allows the pathogen to survive in the acidic
environment of the gastric lumen (Suerbaum & Michetti, 2002). The
lipopolysaccharide of H.pylori (V-shaped on fig. 3) contains the human
blood group antigens Lex and Ley and hence, the bacteria
can exert antigen mimicry to evade the host immune response. This can lead to
the production of antibodies against the gastric epithelium. The flagella make
H.pylori very mobile and allow it to swim in the gastric lumen and enter
the mucous layer. H.pylori then bind to the epithelial cell by multiple
bacterial surface components like Bab A (Ilver et al., 1998).
Upon contact, the type
I bacteria, containing PAI, induce the epithelium to synthesize and release
IL-8. The later attracts polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN's) by chemotaxis.
There is also release of virulence factors (refer below) that can cause
epithelial damage and apoptosis of epithelial cells. Vac A, in type I strains
only, is the major factor that can give rise to peptic ulcer (Allen, 2000).
antigens also, cross the epithelial layer to activate macrophages to release
several pro-inflammatory cytokines like IL-8, IL-6, IL-1, and possible IL-12
(Suerbaum & Michetti, 2002).
The IL-12 cytokine and
H.pylori antigens polarise the CD4+ T helper cells (Th) into a
prominent Th1 phenotype. There is release of pro-inflammatory cytokines like
tissue necrosing factor ± (TNF-±) and interferon ³ (IFN-³) at the site of the
infection. This contribute to maintain the gastritis. IFN-³ induces expression
of class II MHC and accessory molecules B7-1 and B7-2 by epithelial cells making
them competent for antigen presentation (Suerbaum & Michetti, 2002). TNF-±
induces a decrease in the number of astral D cells leading to decreased
somatostatin production and indirectly enhancing acid production (Suerbaum &
Michetti, 2002).
The following points should also worth to be noted.
Multiple virulence factors contribute to gastric inflammation, alteration of
gastric acid production and tissue destruction in the infected host. They also
facilitate initial colonisation. Murray et al. (2002) give a good summary
of these virulence factors below.
Neutralises gastric juice; stimulates monocytes and neutrophils chemotaxis;
stimulates production of inflammatory cytokines.
Heat shock protein (HspB): Enhances expression of urease
Acid-inhibitory protein: Induces hyperchlorhydria during acute infection by
blocking acid secretion from parietal cells.
Allow penetration into gastric mucous layer and protection from acid
Mediate binding to host cells; examples of adhesions are haem agglutinins,
sialic acid-binding adhesin, and Lewis blood group adhesin.
Disrupts gastric mucus
Phospholipases: Disrupt gastric mucus
Superoxide dismutase: Prevents phagocytic killing by neutralising oxygen
Prevents phagocytic killing by neutralising peroxides
Vacuolating cytotoxin: Induces vacuolation in epithelial cells, stimulates
neutrophil migration into mucosa.
Poorly defined factors: H.pylori
1. Stimulates interleukin-8 secretion by gastric
epithelial cells, which recruits and activates neutrophils
2. Stimulates gastric mucosal cells to produce
platelet-activating factor (PAF), which stimulates gastric acid secretion.
3. Induces nitric oxide synthase in gastric
epithelial cells, which mediates tissue injury
4. Induces death of gastric epithelial cells
A characteristic feature of H.pylori-induced
inflammation is also, the massive attraction of phagocytes (particularly
neutrophils) to the site of infection. This can be achieved as H.pylori
has a nap A gene, which codes for the production of H.pylori
neutrophil-activating protein (Hp-NAP). The latter was found to promote
the adhesion of neutrophils to endothelial cells by up regulating adhesion
receptors of the ²2-integrin family (Satin et al., 2000). Satin et
al. (2000) showed that Hp-NAP stimulates nicotiamide adenine
dinucleotide phosphate in the reduced form (NADPH) oxidase assembly and
production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Also, as neutrophils consistently
outnumber macrophages in H.pylori infected stomach it induces a state of
`chronic acute inflammation' (Satin et al., 2000). The MHC - class II on
the human gastric epithelial cells act as receptors for H.pylori (Fan
et al., 2000) and the latter induces apoptosis of the epithelial cells
(Fan et al., 2000).
has been a highly successful human pathogen and it can remain in the gastric
mucosa for year's inspite of the host immune response. The following mechanisms
have been postulated to explain how H.pylori evades phagocytosis
(Andersen et al., 1993).
Some unidentified
proteins on the surface of some strains of H.pylori help them to regulate
their uptake into the phagocytes.
Strong binding between
H.pylori and phagocytes correlates with a rise in the level of urease on
the surface of H.pylori thus retarding phagocytosis and strong
respiratory burst in the phagocytes (Telford et al., 1997).
Urease prevents
opsonisation with complement C3 and antibodies. It also, retards
phagocytic process via FcR3 (Fc receptors) and CR3 (Rokita
et al., 1998).
Opsonins reduce the
amount of ROS produced by activating strains of H.pylori (Ratelin et
al., 1994).
Delayed phagocytosis is
linked to intracellular survival, since type I H.pylori persist inside
macrophages within a novel vacuole called megasome (Allen et al., 2000).
also uses the “ molecular mimicry” phenomenon refers, Fig3, to evade the host
immune response as H.pylori displays chemical components like Lewis
antigens on its surfaces. This mimicry disguise the H.pylori from the
immune system and the immune response is minimised (Lynch, 2002).
Clinical outcomes of Helicobacter pylori:
H.pylori cause continuous gastric inflammation in virtually
all infected persons. The clinical course is highly variable and is
influenced by both microbial and host factors. Patients with antral-predominant
gastritis, the most common cause of gastritis, are predisposed to duodenal
ulcer. Patients with lower acid output are more likely to have gastritis in the
body of the stomach. Whereas patients with corpus predominant gastritis and
multifocal atrophy are more likely to have gastric ulcers, gastric atrophy,
intestinal metaplasia, and ultimately gastric carcinoma (Suerbaum &
Michetti, 2002). The lifetime risk of peptic ulcer in persons infected with
H.pylori ranges from 3% in the U.S.A. to 25 % in Japan (Schlemper et
al., 1996).
Gastric cancer is the second most frequent cause of
cancer related death. There is strong evidence the H.pylori increases the
risk of gastric cancer. H.pylori is also, classified as a type I
carcinogen since 1994 by the W.H.O. (Lynch, 2002). 72-98 % of patient with
gastric MALT lymphoma are infected with H.pylori (Parsonnet et al.,
1994). Eradication of H.pylori induces regression of the lymphoma in 70
to 80 % of cases and patients can stay in remission for years (Lin et
al., 2001). Resistance of lymphoma eradication therapy is strongly
associated with certain genetic abnormalities in the host like, translocation t
(11; 18) (q21; q21) and is often associated with progression to high-grade
tumours (Lin et al., 2001). H.pylori may also be implicated in the
pathogenesis of many extra gastric diseases like atherosclerosis and skin
disease but this association is still controversial (Howden, 1998). However, it
has also been found that the presence of H.pylori offer protection
against certain gastro oesophageal reflux disease, adenocarcinoma of lower
oesophagus and gastric cardia (Murray et al., 2002).
Diagnostic tests:
can be diagnosed by either non-invasive methods or by endoscopic biopsy of the
mucosa. The non-invasive methods are
Urea breath test
Serologic tests
Stool antigen assay
Microbiological culture
Microscopy of histology
specimens from biopsy
Antibody testing using
ELISA method
The Urea breath test is highly specific and
sensitive. The patient usually swallows a small amount of labelled urea. The
urease present on the pathogen surface converts urea into bicarbonate, which is
expired as carbon dioxide. The labelled carbon dioxide is estimated by the
change in colour of the chromogen used to identify it (Goodwin et al.,
The microbiological culture is expensive but is
useful to know the antibiotic resistance pattern of the bacteria and is useful
in treatment, especially after proven treatment failure (Goodwin et al.,
Serum antibody testing of IgG antibody by the
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is 95 % sensitive and specific with
current reagents used. The principle of the test is as follows:
Partially purified, inactivated H.pylori
antigens are pre-coated onto an ELISA plate and patient serum contains
antibodies against H.pylori, if they are infected. The antibody will bind
to the antigen on the plate. After washing anti-human immunoglobulin coupled
with an enzyme is added. The later will bind to the antibodies present. After
washing a substrate is added. The enzyme will cleave the substrate and a
coloured product is formed. The presence of the coloured product is indicative
of a positive reaction (Hanningen, 2000).
The aim of treatment is to have a complete
elimination of the organism. For the treatment to be effective it must have a
curing rate of at least 80% without major side effects and minimal bacterial
resistance (Seurbaum & michetti, 2002). As this cannot be achieved with
antibiotics alone the food and drug administration (FDA) in the USA approved the
triple-therapies (Suerbaum & Michetti, 2002). The administration of the
antibiotic was coupled with bismuth and a proton-pump inhibitor like, omeprazole
or metronidazole. The chief antimicrobial agents used are clarithromycin and
tetracycline (Goodwin et al., 1997). Studies in France and Italy have
shown that this may have a success rate of 78 to 83% ( Suerbaum & Michetti,
If there is failure of the above therapy a
second-line therapy is used. It is recommended to repeat a second course
of the above treatment using this time amoxycillin and pantoprozole for 10 days.
This has achieved 86% cure success, even in patients with resistant strains
(Perri et al., 2001).
Prophylactic and therapeutic vaccination has been
successful in animals' models but a vaccine for humans is still not possible
because the immunology of the stomach is still poorly understood (Marchetti
et al., 1999) and the genome of H.pylori changes continuously during
chronic colonisation by importing small pieces of DNA from other H.pylori
strains (Falush et al., 2002).
The way diagnosis of the upper gastroduodenal disease
and its treatment is approached has changed dramatically since 1983. Peptic
ulcer is now approached as an infectious disease, in which the elimination of
the causative agent cures the condition. The role of H.pylori infection
in gastric cancers is increasingly recognised. Enormous progress has been made
in the antimicrobial therapy but there is still no ideal treatment. Also, new
association of H.pylori with diminished growth in childhood and coronary
heart disease is still been looked into (Goodwin et al. 1997). Vaccine
trials have been up to now successful only in animals' models. So, since it was
first cultured some 20 years ago H.pylori still remains as one of the
most common bacterial infections in the human.
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